Saturday, December 19, 2009

MY Christmas wishes. Feel Free 2 Leave Yours.

I know this is really late but I been real Busy. Plus I have so much to be thankful for Already. I'm only doing it now because so many people are used to me putting it up every year on my myspace. So here goes:

1. Mens Express Gift Card
2. Photobucket
Canon EOS 7d Digital SLR
3. Complete guitar by steve mackay: Comes with DVD + Guitar Stand (Borders or Walden Books)
4. Visa Gift Cards a lot of them.
5. Socks, Undershirts(medium), tank tops (medium)
6. Comforter Sets (Queen Size)
7. Netflix Gift Card. (I really want this lol)
8. You can donate money to me through my Pay Pal(
9.Xbox live Gold membership.
10. Buy a copy of my movie "Family Values" from (that's more so a gift for you. lol)
11. You can make sure that you live and have a great life for me. I would love that.
12. DvD stand
Well I hope u enjoyed this and now lets see what you need.

1 comment:

  1. i need a digital camera, ive missed a lot of photo opps.
